From Nurse to Worse


From Nurse to Worse is a 1940 short subject directed by Jules White starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges (Moe Howard, Larry Fine and Curly Howard). It is the 49th entry in the series released by Columbia Pictures starring the comedians, who released 190 shorts for the studio between 1934 and 1959.

The Stooges are paper hangers who run into their old friend Jerry, an insurance salesman (Lynton Brent). He promises them that if they take out a policy on Curly proving that he has gone insane, they can collect $500 a month. Moe and Larry bring Curly on a leash to the office of Dr. D. Lerious (Vernon Dent). Curly's pretending to be a hound is so over the top that the doctor declares that he must operate. The Stooges flee, and hide out in the back of a dog catcher's truck, where they are soon infested with fleas. Dr. D. Lerious eventually catches up with the Stooges, and Curly is sent straight for the operating room. Eventually, the trio get away on a gurney, encounter Jerry again and then give him the works.

From Nurse to Worse was filmed on May 15–18, 1940.[2] The film marked the first appearance of supporting player Joe Palma in a Stooge film.

The footage of the Stooges sailing through the city streets was lifted from Dizzy Doctors.[3] The voice on the police scanner is Moe's.[3]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
From Nurse to Worse
Herstellungsland:Vereinigte Staaten
IMDB: 522
Verleih:Columbia Pictures
Regie:Jules White
Drehbuch:Clyde Bruckman
Kamera:Benjamin H. Kline
Produzent:Jules White
Darsteller:Moe Howard
Larry Fine
Curly Howard
Lynton Brent
Vernon Dent
Dudley Dickerson
Dorothy Appleby
Ned Glass
Cy Schindell
John Tyrrell
Al Thompson
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Datenstand: 10.11.2023 20:03:11Uhr