Games Gamblers Play


Games Gamblers Play (Chinese: 鬼馬雙星 ) is a 1974 Hong Kong comedy film directed by and starring Michael Hui, with action direction by Sammo Hung. The film also co-stars Sam Hui, who also served as one of the film's music composers.

Although very successful and netting more than 6 millions Hong Kong dollars at the box offices, the film was criticized because there “gambling is no longer a social vice but a means by which one can get ahead quickly by achieving instant monetary gains. The concept of morality or righteousness is irrelevant: the utilitarian motive of individual accumulation of instant wealth is paramount.”[2]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
鬼馬雙星zh-hant zh-hk yue zh
Games Gamblers Playid
미스터 부ko
Guǐ mǎ shuāngxīngtr
IMDB: 227
Regie:Michael Hui
Drehbuch:Michael Hui
Musik:Joseph Koo
Produzent:Raymond Chow
Darsteller:Michael Hui
Sam Hui
Ricky Hui
Betty Ting
Wong Jim
Roy Chiao
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Datenstand: 24.08.2022 17:27:41Uhr