A Romance of Old Baghdad


A Romance of Old Baghdad is a 1922 British silent drama film directed by Kenelm Foss and starring Matheson Lang, Manora Thew and Roy Travers.[1] It is an adaptation of the novel Miss Haroun al Rashid by Jessie Douglas Kerruish. In nineteenth century Mesopotamia a series of romantic entanglements ensue. The Hollywood actress Evelyn Brent was originally intended to star but did not ultimately appear in the finished film.[2]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
A Romance of Old Baghdad ast
Rhamant o Hen Faghdadcy
Genre:Liebesfilm, Stummfilm
Herstellungsland:Vereinigtes Königreich
Regie:Kenelm Foss
Darsteller:Matheson Lang
Manora Thew
Roy Travers
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Datenstand: 08.11.2023 00:28:54Uhr