The Prince of Peace


The Lawton Story of "The Prince of Peace",[1] originally released as The Lawton Story and later reissued as The Prince of Peace, is a religious-themed film that later made the roadshow rounds presented by exploitation pioneer Kroger Babb. Filmed in Cinecolor in 1948, it is based on an annual passion play in Lawton, Oklahoma, "The Prince of Peace," created in 1926 by Rev. A. Mark Wallock. This Easter pageant became immensely popular among locals, attracting as many as 250,000 people.[2]

The film was presented in various forms through the years following its debut. It also served as the debut film of child actress Ginger Prince, who was touted as her generation's Shirley Temple.[3]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
The Prince of Peace ast
Herstellungsland:Vereinigte Staaten
Verleih:Hygienic Productions
Regie:William Beaudine
Drehbuch:Mildred Horn
Musik:Lee "Lasses" White
Produzent:Kroger Babb
J. S. Jossey
Darsteller:Ginger Prince
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Datenstand: 05.09.2022 03:20:44Uhr