Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve


Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve is an independent feature-length American documentary about the Federal Reserve written and directed by Jim Bruce, and narrated by Liev Schreiber. It examines 100 years of the Federal Reserve's history, and discusses its actions and repercussions the US economy leading to the late-2000s financial crisis. Bruce believes "a more fully and accurately informed public will promote greater accountability and more effective policies from our central bank".[1] The film features interviews with Paul Volcker and Janet Yellen as well as current and former Federal Reserve officials, top economists, financial historians, famous investors, and traders who provide insight on the Federal Reserve System.[citation needed ]

The film was released in US theaters on September 6, 2013.

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
Money for Nothing: Inside the Federal Reserve ast
Herstellungsland:Vereinigte Staaten, Kanada
IMDB: 1057
Darsteller:Liev Schreiber
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Datenstand: 16.05.2022 11:43:15Uhr