Ronaldo is a 2015 British documentary film directed by Anthony Wonke. It follows the life and career of Portuguese professional footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. The film was released worldwide on 9 November 2015.[1][2] A trailer for the film was released on 28 September 2015.[3]
Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
Kinostart: | 09.11.2015 | ||||||||||||||||||
weitere Titel: |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Genre: | Dokumentarfilm, Fußballfilm | ||||||||||||||||||
Herstellungsland: | Vereinigtes Königreich, Italien | ||||||||||||||||||
Originalsprache: | Englisch | ||||||||||||||||||
Farbe: | Farbe | ||||||||||||||||||
IMDB: | 15781 | ||||||||||||||||||
Verleih: | Universal Studios, FandangoNow | ||||||||||||||||||
Offizielle Webseite: | |
Regie: | Anthony Wonke | |
Musik: | Walter Mair | |
Darsteller: | Cristiano Ronaldo | |
Lionel Messi | ||
David Morrissey |
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