The Sands of Dee


The Sands of Dee is a 1912 silent short film directed by D. W. Griffith and starring Mae Marsh and Robert Harron. It was produced and distributed by the Biograph Company.[1]

Paper print held at Library of Congress.[2]

The film is used in the opening scene of the 1946 psychological horror film The Spiral Staircase in a recreation of early film exhibition. The Spiral Staircase is set in 1906, making the appearance of this 1912 film anachronistic.

supporting cast

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
The Sands of Dee ms id nb ht
Herstellungsland:Vereinigte Staaten
IMDB: 83
Regie:David Wark Griffith
Drehbuch:Charles Kingsley
Kamera:Billy Bitzer
Darsteller:Mae Marsh
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Datenstand: 23.09.2022 20:08:06Uhr