Soho Conspiracy


Soho Conspiracy is a 1950 British musical drama film directed by Cecil H. Williamson and starring Jacques Labrecque, Zena Marshall and Peter Gawthorne.

A young man attempts to stage a charity concert in order to raise funds to refurbish a Soho church.

The film was made as a second feature. It incorporates footage from the 1948 Italian film Mad About Opera (Follie per l'opera) for the climactic concert performance.[1]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
Soho Conspiracy en-ca en-gb ast cy
Genre:Musikfilm, Filmdrama
Herstellungsland:Vereinigtes Königreich
IMDB: 29
Verleih:Edwin J. Fancey
Regie:Cecil H. Williamson
Drehbuch:Ralph Dawson
Musik:Felice Montagnini
Produzent:Edwin J. Fancey
Darsteller:Gino Bechi
Beniamino Gigli
Tito Gobbi
Tito Schipa
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