A Long Haul


A Long Haul is a 2010 documentary film about Montauk, NY charter boat captain Bart Ritchie and his struggles with the effects of a declining economy and governmental regulations on the fishing industry. The film was produced and directed by Nathaniel Kramer, who, in addition to being a filmmaker, is a photographer and recreational fisherman. The film has been well received, screening as an official selection in numerous festivals including: the Astoria/LIC International Film Festival,[1] DocMiami International Film Festival,[2] Connecticut Film Festival,[3] EdinDocs,[4] Lighthouse Film Festival,[5] New Filmmakers New York,[6] Philadelphia Independent Film Festival,[7] The IndieFest,[8] Accolade Festival,[9] and won Best Documentary Short Film, Best Director, and Best Cinematography for a Short Documentary at the Los Angeles Movie Awards.[10]

Quelle: Wikipedia(englisch)
weitere Titel:
A Long Haul ast cy
Herstellungsland:Vereinigte Staaten
Regie:Nathaniel Kramer
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Datenstand: 06.12.2022 01:23:22Uhr